The Translation Project

In the Summer of 2018, Dr. Lynn E. Palermo, Department of Modern Languages, Susquehanna University, received a grant to hire two undergraduate students to work  on translating Albert Huet’s diary into English and to standardize Albert’s idiosyncratic French into standard French.

Under “Diary – Page X”, you will find the following tabs for each page of the diary:

  • Image of the page
  • Transcription of the text, as is
  • Standard French transcription
  • English translation

I am deeply grateful to Nicole Grace and Brianna Watson for their hard work on this, as well as to Dr. Palermo who had contacted me to see if she could use Albert’s text with her students. This project was also made possible thanks to Sarah Adams and Amanda DuCharme, two undergraduate students at Susquehanna University, who had originally started the project, and produced a draft of the translation.

* A brief account of the translation project is featured in the Fall 2018 issue of Currents, Susquehanna University’s Alumni publication.