CIFNAL Speaker Series February 25

Please join us on February 25 for the second talk of the CIFNAL Spring Speaker Series by M. Stephanie Chancy: Preserving Cultural and Historical Patrimony: dLOC Partnerships and Collaborations in Haiti

February 25, 2-3pm EST

Registration Link:


M. Stephanie Chancy is currently a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the History Department at Florida International University. She holds a Ph.D. in History from FIU, and a Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts from the University of Miami. Her research focuses on eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European Atlantic material culture. Her work incorporates elements of Caribbean History, European History and U.S. History, as well as material pieces such as paintings, sculptures and photographs. She served as the Green Family Foundation Graduate Fellow at the Digital Library of the Caribbean, taught several undergraduate courses in Art History, and prior to her academic career, was an administrator for two non-profit performing arts organizations. 

Talk Description 

Preserving Cultural and Historical Patrimony: dLOC Partnerships and Collaborations in Haiti 

The talk introduces the Digital Library of the Caribbean and discusses its mission. It specifically addresses dLOC’s work in Haiti and with its Haitian partners. It highlights the focus on both cultural and historical preservation as well as dLOC’s commitment to making that information available to scholars, teachers and students whose research focuses on Haiti.