October 2 (211 Library West), “Getting Your Classes on Track: Improving Your Teaching Skills”
Sean Trainor (PhD), Lecturer, Management Communication Center.
New to teaching? Struggling to balance your teaching and research obligations? Then attend this session for some easy-to-implement tips on how to maximize your teaching effectiveness while minimizing teaching-related headaches.
October 9 (212 Library West), “Getting a Job: Finding Work after Grad School”
Megan Daly (PhD), Classics, Philosophy, and Religion Librarian
This workshop provides a brief introduction and discussion for graduate students about approaching the job market and job application process.
October 16 (212 Library West), “Getting Published: Writing Clear, Effective Academic Prose”
David Schwieder (PhD), Political Science Librarian
This session covers a set of powerful, easy-to-use techniques that will help participants write better theses, dissertations and manuscripts.
October 23 (212 Library West), “Getting Free: Leveraging Open Access Publishing Options”
Perry Collins (MA, MLS), Scholarly Communications Librarian
Are you hearing terms like “open access,” “preprint,” and “data sharing” and want to know more? The open access publishing landscape has expanded exponentially over the past two decades—this workshop will introduce options across disciplines for sharing, reviewing, and publishing open scholarship. This workshop is part of international Open Access Week.
October 30 (212 Library West), “Getting Organized: managing Projects and Time”
Hélène Huet (PhD), European Studies Librarian
This workshop will provide you with tips and tools to help you manage your time and your various projects as you navigate your graduate career.
All sessions held during Period 4 (10:40-11:30 am). No registration required. Open to all UF Graduate and Professional Students.