Tag Archives: Canada

Recording of Jérémie Roche (CAIRN), Julie Therizols (OpenEdition), and Emilie Chouinard (Erudit)’s Talk: “The Future of Electronic Publishing in France and Francophone Canada.”

The recording of Jérémie Roche (CAIRN), Julie Therizols (OpenEdition), and Emilie Chouinard (Erudit)’s presentation, The Future of Electronic Publishing in France and Francophone Canada, is now available online.

Finding French and Francophone Special Collections

Many institutions in the United States and Canada have very strong French and Francophone collections. In 2017, CRL’s Collaborative Initiative for French Language Collections (CIFNAL) Collection Development Working Group had the pleasure to work with an intern from ENSSIB, who created a database and map of these collections. The database and the map are now featured on this website: https://cifnalcollections.wordpress.com/

Click on the Collections menu to see a list of collections with detailed descriptions in English. Click on the Map menu to visualize the locations of the many institutions represented in the database.

We are grateful to Anne-Charlotte Pivot for her fast and professional work on this project. Anne-Charlotte also prepared a detailed explanation of the rationale behind the project and how to best use the database, explanation which is available in both English and French.

The CIFNAL Collection Development Working Group has also created and is sustaining a LibGuide that compiles a number of French and Francophone Digital Humanities projects from around the world. You can suggest new projects if you see one that is missing!