I am pleased to invite you to the Digital Scholarship at UF Workshop which will take place at the Digital Worlds Institute on February 2, 2018 from 9am to 5pm.
During this day-long event you will be able to attend three workshop sessions focused on tools and tips to help you start, develop, or improve your digital projects.
The sessions are as follows:
- 3D Data Acquisition and Dissemination
- 3D Printing and Augmented Reality with Aurasma
- Best Practices for Project Management & Collaboration
Following the three sessions, we are also hosting a Digital Project Showcase where members from the UF community are invited to present their digital projects.
As you will see on the registration form (https://ufl.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3jBZ3E1SniaRPGB), you can decide to register for the Workshop Series and/or the Digital Showcase. Registration is free and lunch will be provided.
Please note that the registration for the workshop series is capped at 50 attendees and the registration for the showcase is capped at 20 presenters. If you plan on presenting your digital project during the showcase, we recommend you bring your own laptop if possible, though we will be able to provide up to 12 workstations if needed.
You can find more information about the workshops and the schedule at this link: http://guides.uflib.ufl.edu/digitalufworkshop.
Please email Hélène Huet if you have questions: hhuet at ufl dot edu
This event is sponsored by a George A. Smathers Libraries Strategic Opportunities Grant and the Digital Worlds Institute.