Tag Archives: marketing

Getting to Know Your Library West Librarians

Last week, we launched a series of profile videos so you can get to know the amazing librarians who work at Library West at the University of Florida. Library West is the Humanities and Social Sciences library at UF. The videos were filmed during the Summer 2017 semester and were completed thanks to a Smathers Graduate Internship in Public Relations (see proposal). The goal with these videos is to show students and faculty that librarians are approachable as well as highlight how librarians can help patrons with their research needs and more (academic job market, instruction, etc…).

My video is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1tSE51W_oo&index=6&list=PLm1EZOX-MZAV29cvdiIZbLytzv6J3elfj&t=0s . 

If you are interested in watching all the videos, the playlist is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1tSE51W_oo&index=6&list=PLm1EZOX-MZAV29cvdiIZbLytzv6J3elfj&t=0s

Image including different thumbnails from each librarian's videos.

Article in C&RL News is Out.

Hello everyone. My colleagues and I have an article out in C&RL News. Check it out.

Team up: Collaborating with public relations students to promote library subject specialists

April Hines, Hélène Huet, Stacey Ewing, LeiLani Freund


In fall 2015, a group of librarians, who are members of the Library West Creative Team at the George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida (UF), sought new methods for effectively reaching undergraduate students. Previous internal studies showed that when students think of the library, they think of study space, technology, materials, and the coffee shop, but rarely do they consider librarians and the services we provide.