CIFNAL Speaker Series: February 4

Greetings everyone,

If you have not done so yet, consider registering for our first event of the CIFNAL Speaker Series.

Clovis Gladstone: Computational Approaches to Textual Scholarship: the ARTFL Project’s French Digital Collections

February 4, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link:

Clovis Gladstone is Associate Director of the ARTFL Project and a Senior Research Associate in the department of Romance Languages and Literatures. He specializes in the development of computational methods for text analysis, as well as in French Early-Modern intellectual history, and more particularly 18th century political thought. 
Presentation Abstract: 
Over the forty years of its existence, the ARTFL Project has brought together a very rich and unrivaled set of French language digital collections. As a leader and strong proponent of digital methods for the study of text, we have also been actively engaged in the development of computational analytics to facilitate the exploration of our holdings. We will be discussing how these tools, which range from corpus query engines to text-reuse detection software, can support and expand the horizons of academic research.