Tag Archives: DH

Registration Open for the 2024 Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities (LACDH) Symposium/Abierto el registro para el 2.º Simposio de Humanidades Digitales de América Latina y el Caribe (2024)

Dear all,

The University of Florida, the University of North Florida, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito will host their second Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities (LACDH) Symposium at Universidad San Francisco Quito in Quito, Ecuador from Thursday, July 4 – Saturday July 6, 2024. This symposium will offer a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. All in-person sessions will take place at the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), while the virtual sessions will be offered on zoom.

We look forward to seeing you virtually or in person at USFQ.


We are happy to share that there is no registration fee for the conference.

For more information, such as the program (coming soon), check out the LACDH Symposium website.



The University University of Florida, the University of North Florida y la Universidad San Francisco de Quito se complacen en invitarles al 2.º Simposio de Humanidades Digitales de América Latina y el Caribe en la Universidad San Francisco de Quito del 4-6 de julio, 2024. Habrá sesiones virtuales en zoom y sesiones presenciales en el campus de USFQ.

Esperamos contar con su presencia.


El registro para participar en la conferencia es gratuito.

Para más información y detalles del programa (próximamente), visiten el enlace del simposio: LACDH Symposium website.

2024 Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium: CFP


The University of Florida, the University of North Florida, and Universidad San Francisco de Quito will host their second Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium at Universidad San Francisco Quito in Quito, Ecuador from Thursday, July 4 – Saturday July 6, 2024. This symposium will offer a mix of in-person and virtual sessions. 

We seek proposals for papers, posters, and lightning rounds, on any topic related to Digital Humanities focusing on Latin America and Caribbean Studies. We welcome proposals not only from those in higher education, including students, faculty, and staff, but also from cultural institutions and other organizations doing work in the digital humanities. 

Proposals of no more than 250 words may be submitted in English, Spanish, Portuguese, or French by October 31, 2023. We encourage people to submit proposals for projects at any stage of completion. You can submit your proposal using our submission form.


L’Université de Floride, l’Université de Floride du Nord, et l’Université San Francisco de Quito organisent ensemble leur deuxième symposium dédié aux projets numériques se focalisant sur l’Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes. Ce symposium se déroulera à l’Université San Francisco de Quito, Equateur, du Jeudi 4 juillet au Samedi 6 juillet 2024. Ce symposium offrira à la fois des sessions en présentiel et des sessions virtuelles.

Nous recherchons des propositions de présentations (longues de 15 mn ou courtes de 5 mn) et de posters sur n’importe quel sujet touchant aux humanités numériques et se focalisant sur l’Amérique Latine et les Caraïbes. Nous acceptons non seulement les propositions de toute personne de l’enseignement supérieur, y compris les étudiant·e·s, les professeur·e·s, ou autres membres du staff, mais aussi les propositions de toute personne venant d’institutions culturelles ou autres organisations travaillant dans les humanités numériques.

Les propositions ne doivent pas faire plus de 250 mots et peuvent être soumises en anglais, espagnol, portugais ou français jusqu’au 31 octobre 2023. Nous encourageons les soumissions pour des projets à n’importe quel stade de création. Vous pouvez soumettre votre proposition en utilisant notre formulaire.


La Universidad de Florida, la Universidad del Norte de Florida y la Universidad San Francisco de Quito organizarán su segundo Simposio Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Humanidades Digitales en la Universidad San Francisco Quito en Quito, Ecuador, del jueves 4 de julio al sábado 6 de julio de 2024. Este simposio ofrecerá una combinación de sesiones presenciales y virtuales.

Buscamos propuestas de presentaciones, carteles y rondas relámpago, sobre cualquier tema relacionado con las Humanidades Digitales con enfoque en estudios latinoamericanos y caribeños. Damos la bienvenida a propuestas no solo de aquellos en educación superior (incluidos estudiantes, profesores y personal), sino también de instituciones culturales y otras organizaciones que trabajan en las humanidades digitales.

Se pueden enviar propuestas de no más de 250 palabras en inglés, español, portugués o francés antes del 31 de octubre de 2023. Alentamos a las personas a enviar propuestas de proyectos en cualquier etapa de finalización. Puede enviar su propuesta utilizando nuestro formulario de envío.  


A Universidade da Flórida, a Universidade do Norte da Flórida e a Universidade San Francisco de Quito sediarão seu segundo Congresso de Humanidades Digitais para a América Latina e o Caribe na Universidade San Francisco Quito, em Quito, Equador, de quinta-feira, 4 de julho, a sábado, 6 de julho de 2024. 

Buscamos propostas de artigos, pôsteres e rodadas relâmpago, sobre qualquer tema relacionado às Humanidades Digitais com foco em Estudos da América Latina e do Caribe. Acolhemos com prazer propostas não só de profissionais do ensino superior, incluindo estudantes, professores e funcionários, mas também de instituições culturais e outras organizações que trabalham nas humanidades digitais. 

Propostas com no máximo 250 palavras poderão ser enviadas em inglês, espanhol, português ou francês até 31 de outubro de 2023. Incentivamos as pessoas a enviar propostas de projetos em qualquer estágio de conclusão. Você pode enviar sua proposta através do nosso formulário de envio. 

FLDH Webinar Series: September and October Webinars

Please join us this September and October for our last FLDH webinars of 2023. And remember, all of our webinars are recorded and the videos are available on the FLDH YouTube page as well as on the Webinar Series page.

Tracking Religious Racism in Brazil

Tuesday, September 12, 12 p.m EDT

Register here

Dr. Danielle N. Boaz, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte & Gustavo Melo Cerqueira, Babalorixá, Ilê Axé Omi Ogun siwajú and VP of the ICCRR

Religious racism is a form of religious discrimination that is rooted in racialized prejudices against a particular faith or faiths. The concept of religious racism comes from Brazil, where activists use the phrase “racismo religioso” to refer to discrimination against Afro-Brazilian religions such as Candomblé and Umbanda. Our webinar would talk about the International Commission to Combat Religious Racism’s (ICCRR) digital resources on Brazil. On August 22, 2022, the ICCRR released its revised map, spreadsheet, and report on Religious Racism in Brazil. These materials analyze 500 cases of religious intolerance against Afro-Brazilian faiths that have taken place since 2000. This is an ongoing project that was started in 2019 and has taken more than 1000 hours to complete. The ICCRR plans to update these materials annually, adding and analyzing new cases. The report is designed to provide some insights about the patterns and statistics that can be observed from the cases. The spreadsheet database provides details on the cases such as the name of the victim, the name of the perpetrator, the type of intolerance, the location of the intolerance, and data about the victim and the perpetrator such as age and gender. The interactive maps track the cases that are listed in the database. Each entry on the map includes a summary of the incident and links to available photos and videos. Both maps contain the same data; however, one organizes the cases by year and the other organizes the cases by type of discrimination.

“Amigos de los Muelles.” Mapping how transatlantic solidarities shaped the Curaçaoan Radical Movement, 1900-1940

Friday, September 15, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Thomas van Gaalen, PhD Candidate in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures, Radboud University (The Netherlands)

Towards the late 19th century, heightened patterns of exchange and interaction emerged between socialists across the world. The ideal of international solidarity, which had become increasingly important for socialists, attracted a wide variety of radicals from a wide variety of regions. Where historical scholarship has often treated socialism as, with Talbot Imlay, a “European phenomenon,” this presentation demonstrates how the socialist framework of international solidarity was adopted and adapted by diverse movements across the Atlantic. The presentation reframes the Dutch Caribbean island of Curaçao as a node in vivid transatlantic interactions between socialists and radicals. Using digital relational interface Nodegoat to visualize and map these interactions, the presentation shows how global exchanges that were made possible by the island’s connection to maritime networks encouraged Curaçaoan radicals to engage with the idea of international solidarity. Doing so allowed them to link their struggles to a broader cause, and to put new forms of solidarity into practice at harbor strikes, revolts and anticolonial campaigns. Synthesizing digital visualization and distant reading tools with non-digital archival research, this presentation brings these underexposed but influential Caribbean histories of emancipation into view. These render visible the rich history of transatlantic exchange on Curaçao, an island commonly framed as “isolated” in scholarship. By uncovering forgotten conceptions of international solidarity, the presentation furthermore invites vital discussions on formulating an international solidarity fit to tackle today’s increasingly global challenges.

Digital Archives as Decolonial Practice

Friday, September 29, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Dr. Ricia Anne Chansky, Professor and Director of the Oral History Lab, UPR Mayaguez; Jose Morales Benitez, Librarian, UPR Mayaguez & Christina Boyles, Assistant Professor of Culturally Engaged Digital Humanities, Michigan State University

Traditional academic research often relies on the violence of extraction—the taking of people, resources, goods, and ideas from the marginalized in order to serve the needs of those in power. Community-engaged research requires academics to reject extractive forms of knowledge acquisition and relegate authority and control of project processes and outcomes to the participating community members.

The collaboration between the Oral History Lab (OHL) at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM) and the Archivo de Respuestas Emergencias de Puerto Rico (AREPR)—which includes teams at Michigan State University and UPR Río Piedras—has afforded us the opportunity to re-vision digital archives as spaces for communities to self-narrate their lived experiences with disaster and survival. Our proposed webinar traces the lines of community archiving as decolonial practice through our linked projects, including aspects of archives and pedagogy, access to archives, community archives, and collaborative archiving strategies.

Our working model leads to the creation of archival collections shaped by the community and characterized by a high degree of accessibility and immediate relevance, which can serve as tools for transformation by preserving and disseminating the perspectives, lived experiences, and work of individuals and community organizations who do not traditionally have access to public discourses.

Our presentation will include discussion of:

  • The relevant courses at UPRM, which culminate in digitally archiving students’ oral history projects, a model that has demonstrated significant pedagogical value as it strengthens students’ sense of agency by placing them in the role of creators of new primary sources with enduring value while underscoring their connectivity to their home communities across the archipelago.
  • The OHL “Speaking into Silences” project—funded by a Digital Justice Development grant from the ACLS—which brings together four mutual aid organizations from across the Puerto Rican archipelago to create onsite digital archives with mirror collections housed in the UPRM repository. Each local site will develop a public-facing digital output that bridges to the larger archive, such as a geospatial map, playlist, or calendar.
  • How AREPR—a collaborative, multilingual oral history storytelling project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation—utilizes methodologies grounded in community archiving and digital humanities to center community knowledges in active fieldwork; a process that both uplifts local experiences and has the potential to reshape the ways in which researchers envision their research projects as people-first, socially-conscious, and non-extractive.

Afro-Artivismo: Redefining Black Masculinity in São Paulo, Brazil

Friday, October 20, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Eliseo Jacob, Master Instructor in the Department of World Languages & Cultures, Howard University

This webinar will focus on a DH Project I have been developing on artist activist communities in the urban periphery of São Paulo, Brazil. This project came about as a result of the research I conducted in São Paulo in 2022 through a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award. I participated and observed different writing collectives, music groups, and performance artists in the working class communities located in the outskirts of Latin America’s largest city. The digital humanities component of this project started with my collaboration with the Black Book Interactive Project (BBIP), a Black DH initiative housed at the University of Kansas, in their Digital Scholars Program in 2019. Since then, I have participated in other BBIP programs, including their Digital Publishing Program that works closely with Afro-Publishing Without Walls (Afro-PWW), a digital publishing initiative at the University of Illinois. I am currently developing a digital publication with Afro-PWW using the Scalar platform that will focus on the all male Afro-Brazilian theater group Terreiro Encantado and their use of theater as way to address the genocide of Black youth in the urban periphery. This digital publication will be the first in a series of Scalar sites on Black artists from the urban periphery that will be published by Afro-PWW that will be framed by the notion of Afro-Artivismo in Brazil’s urban communities. I also intend to share how scholars can develop DH projects that involve community participation and feedback.

FLDH 2023 Webinar Series: June Webinars

Please join the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) in June for the next three webinars, part of its 2023 Webinar Series: Latin America and Caribbean Edition. More information below:

Using Social Media to Explore Haitian History – Rendering Revolution

Friday, June 16, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Dr. Siobhan Meï, Lecturer, University of Massachusetts Amherst & Dr. Jonathan Square, Assistant Professor, The New School

“Rendering Revolution: Sartorial Approaches to Haitian History” is a queer, bilingual, feminist experiment in digital interdisciplinary scholarship that uses the lens of fashion and material culture to trace the aesthetic, social, and political reverberations of the Haitian Revolution as a world-historical moment. 

Launched in 2020, Rendering Revolution focuses on stories of self-fashioning that rarely receive attention in colonial archives and explores the many ways in which modern identities (and concepts such as human rights) were formed in relation to the legacy of slavery in the Americas. The materials produced, curated, and translated for this project focus on the activities of occluded figures in history, including women and members of the LGBTQI+ community. Drawing on black feminist thought and transnational queer methodologies, Rendering Revolution generates a transhistorical, undisciplined digital archive that illustrates the importance of material culture in constructing diverse (and often competing) visions of freedom in the Atlantic world.

In this webinar, project founders Dr. Siobhan Meï and Dr. Jonathan Square will offer a brief overview of the project and will then focus on our approaches for publishing public-facing short-form content on proprietary social media platforms. While platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have allowed us to engage with a wide and diverse audience, there are also many concerns that arise when using a privately owned tool to curate a digital archive that explicitly addresses colonialism and its afterlives.

United Fronteras: A Transborder Digital and Public Repository

Friday, June 23, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Dr. Sylvia Fernández, Assistant Professor of Public and Digital Humanities, University of Texas at San Antonio & Dr. Laura Gonzales, Assistant Professor of Digital Writing and Cultural Rhetorics, University of Florida

In 2019, the project United Fronteras began with the intention of countering the official or hegemonic representation of the Mexico-United States border in the digital cultural record and to inspire the questioning and critical development of materials or projects that utilize digital technologies to represent the border from various perspectives. In this webinar I will touch on the process of how UF creates a digital registry through a transborder model of work between academics from various humanities disciplines and members of the community outside of academia to make use of de-postcolonial digital humanities and minimal computing practices and methodologies to generate a third digital space that demonstrates the multiplicity of (hi)stories from the border and to document the public memory of the materials and projects in this region. The use of minimal computing in this project is a fundamental part of this independent and autonomous projects dedicated to resist the structures of power and physical and digital vigilance in border regions because of its ability to provide autonomy, independence, accessibility, functionality, security, neutrality and material stability across borders.

Developing a Multilingual Repository of Open/(ish) Access Materials: A Case Study of the Haitian Studies Association’s Digital Initiatives

Friday, June 30, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Dr. Natália Marques da Silva, Digital fellow, Haitian Studies Association and Director of the Hand Art Center, Stetson University; Dr. Darlène Elizabeth Dubuisson, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh; Dr. Laura Wagner, Independent scholar/Haitian Creole Team Lead, Respond Crisis Translation; & Dr. Petrouchka Moise, Assistant Professor / Cultural & Community-Based Digital Curator, Grinnell College Burling Library.

As part of its Decolonize Haitian Studies efforts, the Haitian Studies Association (HSA) is improving public access to Haiti-related materials. Economic and linguistic barriers in academic publishing, along with inequities of representation and authorship have had adverse effects on Haiti-based scholars and students as well as non-affiliated scholars in other locations. Despite leading knowledge production related to Haiti, such individuals have less access to resources and materials than peers associated with large North American or European universities (where facilitating high cost memberships to research databases is common). This duality is deeply concerning and requires ongoing attention, including by organizations like the HSA.

In this presentation, we outline an HSA initiative to aggregate and index Haiti-related publications, resources, and syllabi on a self-hosted repository. The goal of this repository is to support students, emerging scholars and the public with multilingual resources, like syllabi and Open/Open(ish) Access publications. We believe that the creation and dissemination of such repositories is crucial to decolonizing scholarship, particularly in relation to Digital Humanities. The presentation will address successes and challenges we’ve encountered during this project and initiate a group discussion on creatively addressing unethical barriers to knowledge.

FLDH 2023 Webinar Series: “Mapping Puerto Rico’s Hurricane History 1899-Present.”

Banner for FLDH Webinar on Mapping Puerto Rico’s Hurricane History 1899-Present

The Florida Digital Humanities Consortium is pleased to invite you the first webinar of its 2023 Webinar Series: Latin America & Caribbean Edition.

Mapping Puerto Rico’s Hurricane History 1899-Present

Friday, April 21, 2 p.m EDT

Register here

Ian Seavey, PhD Candidate in the Department of History, Texas A&M University

Hurricanes are an important category of analysis in the study of the Greater Caribbean and specifically Puerto Rico. Most recently, in 2022, Hurricane Fiona and Hurricane Maria in 2017 reminded Puerto Ricans and U.S. government officials that storm preparedness and disaster relief represent a critical part of the colonial relationship. Since the United States acquired Puerto Rico from the Spanish in the War of 1898, 47 hurricanes have battered the island. This amounts to about one every two years, the most out of all the islands in the Greater Caribbean. However, after World War II, the number of hurricanes which hit Puerto Rico began increasing and from 1980 to the present, that number expanded out to at least one every year. The sheer volume and frequency of hurricanes has long warranted a study which visually represents these metrics. This digital environmental history project showcases how prominently hurricanes impacted Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States. Using the program ArcGIS, this study maps each hurricane that hit Puerto Rico during the American period. Each pinpoint on the map, when clicked on, includes a brief description of the effects of storm, available pictures, and how each storm fits into the broader discussions of Puerto Rican history and U.S. imperial policy. Chronicling each storm in this way demonstrates in tangible ways that hurricanes as a category of analysis must be consulted when attempting to understand the political, economic, and social environments of Puerto Rico’s relationship with the United States. This project also attracts a wide-ranging audience both inside and outside of academia in an approachable but rigorously researched manner.

2023 Latin American & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium 

The University of Florida and the University of North Florida will host their first Latin America & Caribbean Digital Humanities Symposium at the George A. Smathers Libraries in Gainesville FL on Friday, March 3, 2023. 

We seek proposals for papers, posters, and lightning rounds, on any topic related to Digital Humanities focusing on Latin America and Caribbean Studies. We welcome proposals not only from those in higher education, including students, faculty and staff, but also from cultural institutions and other organizations doing work in the digital humanities. 

Proposals of no more than 250 words may be submitted in English, Spanish, or French by February 5, 2023. We encourage people to submit proposals for projects at any stage of completion. You can submit your proposal using our submission form

This is an in-person event. For anyone interested in participating remotely, please consider submitting a proposal for possible inclusion in the Florida Digital Humanities Consortium (FLDH) Webinar Series (information to come soon). 

CIFNAL Speaker Series May 20

Join us on May 20 at 12pm EDT for a presentation by Quinn Dombrowski entitled “Corpus Hebdo: Building Infrastructure for Multilingual Digital Humanities.” Register here.

“Corpus Hebdo: Building Infrastructure for Multilingual Digital Humanities”

The computational analysis of literature and other cultural media has recently blossomed within the interdisciplinary sub-field of “cultural analytics”, a community within the larger tent of digital humanities. The ability to track patterns across cultural production at a larger scale than previously feasible holds a great deal of promise as an avenue of research, but it depends on language-specific technical and data infrastructure. This talk will explore the state of this infrastructure for scholars of Francophone literatures and cultures, compared to what’s available for scholars of the Anglophone world. As “data” and “computation” make larger inroads in the humanities, how can librarians apply their linguistic and cultural expertise to the table in developing some of the necessary resources for supporting this new kind of scholarship? This talk will suggest opportunities for collaboration and advocacy that can make a difference for the future of Francophone cultural analytics.

Quinn Dombrowski is the Academic Technology Specialist in the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages, and in the Library, at Stanford University. Prior to coming to Stanford in 2018, Quinn’s many DH adventures included supporting the high-performance computing cluster at UC Berkeley, running the DiRT tool directory with support from the Mellon Foundation, writing books on Drupal for Humanists and University of Chicago library graffiti, and working on the program staff of Project Bamboo, a failed digital humanities cyberinfrastructure initiative.  Quinn has a BA/MA in Slavic Linguistics from the University of Chicago, and an MLIS from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Since coming to Stanford, Quinn has supported numerous non-English DH projects, taught courses on non-English DH, started a Textile Makerspace, developed a tabletop roleplaying game to teach DH project management, explored trends in multilingual Harry Potter fanfic, and started the Data-Sitters Club, a feminist DH pedagogy and research group focused on Ann M. Martin’s 90’s girls series “The Baby-Sitters Club”. Quinn is currently co-VP of the Association for Computers and the Humanities along with Roopika Risam, and advocates for better support for DH in languages other than English.

Save the dates: CIFNAL Speaker Series (Virtual), Spring 2022

CIFNAL is proud to announce its first virtual Speaker Series to debut this Spring.

Clovis Gladstone: Computational Approaches to Textual Scholarship: the ARTFL Project’s French Digital Collections

February 4, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYodeugrTojHNeIssD-daPSy57tRvumwTgn

M. Stephanie Chancy: Preserving Cultural and Historical Patrimony: dLOC Partnerships and Collaborations in Haiti

February 25, 2-3pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUkd-qgqzkrE9UEMOcVUa0CvaXlO6SDW7iC

Darlene Hull (Libros de Barlovento): Plein de Défis : a Book Vendor’s Experience Acquiring Library Materials from Haiti

March 4, 2-3pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYoc-GvpzstGNyC62otaAvYbVnb3ogf1nSj

Jérémie Roche (CAIRN), Julie Therizols (OpenEdition), and Emilie Chouinard (Erudit): The Future of Electronic Publishing in France and Francophone Canada

March 28, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYuf-mqqzwtHdUfUVU_jqFfc9IdeE-c07Qh

Nathan H. Dize: Translating Haiti in the Archives of Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs) and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)

April 15, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwldO-hrjIpHNNzGVGgE-bG-90v0WCVIvjw

Quinn Dombrowski: Corpus Hebdo: Building Infrastructure for Multilingual Digital Humanities

May 20, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwsfuuopzIuH9bz_pyH4Vp9Nj4c5fsj19ga

Charlotte Denoël: French medieval manuscripts at the BnF: current research programs and future perspectives

June 10, 12-1pm EST

Registration Link: https://ufl.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUrcOCpqTkqGtyZGvwVCpRkJY4Us88EWBxL

More information about each talk will be available soon.